PBL Ideation Week

Learning outcome for week: Create shared repositories and learn how to plan.

  • Wednesday - Get together with Aidan, Rayyan, Daniel, and Nathan
    • Talk about how to incorporate ideas from individual Web Programming Basics into one project
    • Start a planner in frontend repository
    • Use Canva to brain storm
    • Resarch tools to help in development process
  • Thursday - Discuss initial ideation with team
    • Assign team member roles
      • Aidan(Scrum Master)
      • Rayyan(DevOps)
      • Daniel(Backend)
      • Nathan(Frontend)
    • Use brainstorming from Canva to create steps for coding process
    • Assign steps to certain team members according to their roles
      • Create frontend repo(Nathan)
      • Create backend repo(Daniel)
      • Deploy backend repo on AWS and create Canva template(Rayyan)
      • Manage team members and discuss plans(Aidan)
    • Start Issue tracking
    • Start shared drawing template on Canva
    • Discuss initial issues
      • Type of data API from backend will send to frontend
      • What to do with that data
      • Methods of Chrome extension
  • Friday - Review initial planning ideas with Teacher
    • Meeting should follow outline in Live-Review.md