Summary of Accomplishments

  • Team
    • Aidan
    • Daniel
    • Nathan
    • Rayyan
  • Clone GitHub repository:

  • Add Collaborators

Passion Project Idea

  • Incorporates Rayyan, Nathan, and Daniel’s timer into Aidan’s skincare idea
  • Create a Google Chrome Extension that tracks time spent shopping for skincare on Amazon

  • Outline project
    • Shared frontend repo is created
    • Shared backend repo is created
    • Backend repo is deployed on AWS
    • Team is using Canva to plan

Other elements not in Canvas

  • Discuss any bugs occured when setting up environment and how we fixed them
  • Show personal blogs and progress


  • Encountered issue where commits would throw an error
  • Found out that it was because I merged this branch with the main
  • Reset commit to the last known one before merge and then copy files over
  • Commit worked now