Summary of Accomplishments

  • Team
    • Aidan
    • Daniel
    • Nathan
    • Rayyan
  • Working Front Page
  • Working User Cards that link to Calender and Daily Plan
  • Working Calender
  • Working Daily Planner(fix css at header)

Passion Project Idea Change

  • We changed our project from a Google Chrome Extension that helps in skincare to a scheduling app where users can make their own schedules

Further implementations

  • User ability to create their own user profile where they can create their calender and daily planner
  • Very hard reach(ChatGPT schedule)
  • Timer pop up when completing assignments


  • AWS Deployment had to be redone
    • Issue where new repo couldn’t be created in AWS terminal
    • Problem was because it reached the max amount of repos that you can make so deleted unused ones