PBL Unit 1 / Week 2

Learning outcome: Setting up all systems, basic web organization and link mapping, page & blog setups

  • Monday - Me and Nathan committed our website to GH Pages and learned basic usage of Jupyter Notebooks. Set up IPYNB Files and learned basics of running Jupyter through terminal
  • Tuesday - Removed all unnecessary buttons and links from website (CSA and CSSE tab), set up CompSci Lab Notebook page and began adding blogs to it. Customized website design to use “Hacker” theme and added padding to sides so it looked nicer
  • Wednesday - Learned how to add the games Snake, Game of Life, and a basic calculator to website. Learned how to add dependencies through asset tabs. Fixed issues with website design and experimented with other themes.
  • Thursday - Set up for Live Review, fixed bugs in web design, added plan posts


Calculator LINKED