Summary of Accomplishments

Develped for Web Programming Basics Test

  • Learned how to use includes to make link menus
  • Personal blog visible here
  • Answered all Hacks and developed a prototype for my scheduling app
  • Created animated stopwatch and developed functions to integrate user input with animation, linked here
  • Got user input for classes and homework time necessary
  • Server and Github Pages account all setup, Github Pages personal page linked above and here
  • Github repo linked here, pushed all vscode changes to GH Pages

Peer Review & Self Review (visible on utterances)

  • Peyton Leigh: Exemplifies understanding of the prompt and goes above and beyond what was instructed. Creative use of code to make hacks. 4/4.

  • Self Grade: Developed understanding of HTML wireframes and integrated CSS, HTML, and Javascript into one code block to create a functioning timer. Gets user input with self created command, uses code logic to determine when to stop timer. 4/4