Summary of Accomplishments

Updated Blog to show all accomplishments over past week.

  • Reviewed website with partner and made sure we worked to get our notebooks set up with linking. Worked together to make lab notebook
  • Using macbook
  • Fixed Ruby errors and missing files with web theme. Set up jupyter notebooks and Python IO
  • Personal blog visible here
  • Showed all hacks and tangibles on lab notebok linked above. Added weekly plan linked here
  • Set up markdown pages for all blogs, weekly plans, and all 3 hacks (snake, calculator, and game of life)
  • Set up Jupyter Notebook test page visible here
  • Slack account used for reading all annoucments and setting up hacks
  • Server and Github Pages account all setup, Github Pages personal page linked above and here
  • Github repo linked here, pushed all vscode changes to GH Pages
  • Switched from Midnight theme to Hacker theme and added padding to sides to make it look better. Used teacher template to set up lab notebook with Hacker theme orientation and colors.